Silence: The Language of God
By Miriam O. Ezenwa, PhD, RN, FAAN

Greetings, my people! This week, I will share with you the first on the list of strategies I used to turn my life around. The strategy is, Silence: The Language of God. On this post, I will ask you several questions that, if you answer them honestly, will put you on the path to discovering the power of silence. Here you go:
When was the last time you were silent? When was the last time you were so silent that nothing around you mattered anymore and you did not notice the existence of objects around you, because you were raptured by silence?
Do you know how many breaths you take in one minute? Have you ever counted them? When was the last time you counted your breathing rate? Has your breathing rate remained the same, increased or decreased?
Have you ever placed your hands over your chest to learn how your heart beats? Can you identify that beat in a room swirling with different types of heartbeats?
Do you know that your heart sings for you every day? Can you identity those songs? Do you know the rhythm, pattern, lows, and crescendos of your heart’s nervous song, hurtful song, mischievous song, or victorious song?
If you did not answer “Yes” to all of these questions, you have not embraced true silence. If you have not embraced true silence, then you have not understood the language of God, the Higher Power, or the Creative Source.
Many of us shout out our prayers and requests to God, as if He were deaf and blind. However, we have refused to stay silent to listen to His responses to our prayers and requests.
Why is silence the language of God? Silence is the language of God because silence is creative, silence is transformative, and silence is regenerative. Silence is creative because on a blank canvas, it paints the deepest longings of your heart. Silence is transformative because it causes you to take off the garments of your false dreams and wrap yourself with the Lace of your true dreams. Silence is regenerative because it restores your whole being — body, mind, and spirit, necessary to live a fulfilled life.
You see, God does not shout or speak through chaos. He needs you to be still and silent to capture every Word He speaks to your heart. This way, you can interpret them without needing a soothsayer, a psychic, or a friend. God needs your stillness in order to drill your life’s purpose onto your heart, so that its light would always guide you.
Before I disciplined myself to stay silent and listen to God speak to my heart, I chased after false dreams that led me to start three businesses. Each of them failed miserably. I was in so much debt to creditors that anxiety almost overtook me. I learned my lessons as I paid the debt. Then, I started staying silent to learn about my dreams that are tied to my higher purpose of LACE — Love others and myself, Aspire to a higher spiritual growth, Care for the downtrodden, and Empower the hopeless. Today, all the ventures in which I have engaged pursuing my dreams alone have flourished.
What is your true dream? What is your purpose?
What is the one thing that your heart longs for the most? What is that one thing that makes your soul come alive each time you think of it?
Just like I did, you need to fish out that one thing from your soul. You need to unmask it. You need to call it by name.
Now, you have named your heart desire and identified your purpose. Then, what? It needs light. What is the light of your life’s purpose? It is free will— the will to pursue only your purpose, your innermost desires, and the deepest longings of your hearts.
When you get to this point in your silence mode, nothing can stop your “will’ from pursuing your dreams. Do you know why? It is yours and yours alone. It makes your heart skip a beat as your heart does each time you see your true love. Its light is so bright that, even you need a pair of sunglasses to appreciate all its glory. Its light will guide your deliberate actions to achieve it.
So, my people! We need to start reclaiming our will by identifying our innermost heart desires through silence.
I have described the practical steps to achieve and maintain silence in my blog, “From Dreams to Visions with Endless Possibilities,” which you can read on The Strongest Me website:
I will connect with you again soon to discuss the second strategy I used to turn my life around — Natural purification of the body: Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. This statement is “often ascribed to Hippocrates (400 BC), and used to emphasize the importance of nutrition to prevent illnesses or treat diseases,” and I must add, to enhance your creativity.
I wish you strength, always!
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