Envy has Done it Again: Resilience Crushes Envy
Miriam O. Ezenwa, PhD, RN, FAAN
Greetings, my people! Here is a question for us to consider today. Is it possible to please everyone? No! Why? Envy has done it again!
Envy is an old garment that we all can afford to discard. If we consider the envious thoughts people project on us, we will never reach our destination of grace and life’s purpose. At the morning mass today, the priest shared a story that inspired me. I thought that it might inspire you as well.

There was an old man traveling with his young son to a market. The man took their Donkey for the journey. He sat on the Donkey while his son walked alongside it. People cursed the old man for being selfish. How could he sit on the Donkey and allow his young son to walk? The old man got down from the Donkey and put his son on it while he walked alongside the Donkey. People shouted at the boy. How could such a young boy sit on the Donkey while his old feeble father walks? The old man and his young son decided to both sit on the Donkey. People were upset that the old man and his young son were mean to the Donkey by putting their heavy weights on it. The old man and his young son got down from the Donkey. They decided to carry the Donkey on their heads. With the burden of the Donkey, the old man and his young son were not able to reach the market.
You see, my people, you can never please everyone. No matter what you do, envious people will find fault with it. Their envious thoughts will become burdens that will prevent you from pursuing your dreams. Therefore, only desire to please God, the Higher Power, or the Creative Source by following your life’s purpose. Do the things that please your heart and are tied to your higher life’s purpose — Love thy neighbor as thyself — as you chase after your true dreams.
I wish you strength, always!