Deliberate Actions: Do your Best, so that God can do the Rest
Miriam O. Ezenwa, PhD, RN, FAAN
Greetings, my people! On Week 5 of our series, Strategies for Strengthening your Core and your Will to Turn your life Around, I will discuss “Deliberate Actions,” the fifth strategy I used to turn my life around. Let me ask you a couple of questions. Today, what deliberate actions did you take towards achieving your dreams? Is your life on autopilot or are you in charge of steering it to the path of your true dreams?

In weeks 1-4, I shared with you the strategies—silence, natural purification of the body using food, healing dance, and self-love — to help strengthen your core, physically, mentally, and spiritually in preparation for the deliberate actions you must take to manifest your dreams.
I understand that many of us want a miracle of financial windfall or Manna from heaven. I, for one, dream about winning the lottery and becoming a millionaire. Nevertheless, I know that I have a better chance of becoming a millionaire by working hard than from winning the lottery. Therefore, everyday, I work hard with faith and purpose of conviction that I will achieve my dreams through hard work while still believing in miracles. I tell myself, “Do your best, so that God can do the rest.”
Some of us may think about the Bible verse in Matthew 17: 27 where Jesus instructed Simon Peter to, “Go to the sea, drop in a hook, and take the first fish that comes up. Open its mouth and you will find a coin worth twice the temple tax. Give that to them for me and for you,” as a miracle of making easy money to solve our problems. Not so, at all.
If we unpack this bible verse, we can see that there was no miracle involved. If Jesus wanted to perform a miracle, He could have raised His hands in the air and money would have fallen unto them. Instead, Jesus wanted to teach us the value of hard work. Peter must have walked miles to get to the sea. Peter needed to find a hook for fishing. I am sure that the fish did not willingly open its mouth for Peter to get out the coin. He must have fought with the fish. Peter needed to walk miles back to his starting point to pay the taxes.
In my opinion, the fish simply represented an opportunity with a potential to provide abundant resources one needed to succeed in life. However, the individual must find the opportunity. When the person finds it or the opportunity presents itself, the individual must work hard to utilize the opportunities to reap the reward.
I had said in my previous blog post on The Strongest Me website that a dream or “A vision without deliberate, time-bound actions taken with patience and persistence is just a hallucination. You must develop a STRATEGIC PLAN — a road map that is organized with well thought-out goals, objectives, specific implementation strategies, outcomes, and deliverables on strict but reasonable timelines.”
What is a strategic plan and how do you develop one?
Read more and learn to develop a strategic plan on my previous blog post, “From Dreams to Visions with Endless Possibilities”
I invite you to develop your strategic plan and create your SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) analysis.
I would love to hear from you about your success with taking deliberate actions by following your strategic plan.
I will connect with you again soon to discuss the sixth strategy I used to turn my life around — gratitude. I reserved this strategy as a bonus to you. I did not include it in the original five strategies I mentioned in my introduction to this series.
I wish you strength, always!
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