Conclusions: Turn your life around on your own terms
Miriam O. Ezenwa, PhD, RN, FAAN
Greetings, my people! For the past 7 weeks, I shared with you the seven key strategies I used to strengthen my core, will, and zeal to turn around my life, namely:

- Silence: Silence is the language of God because silence is creative, silence is transformative, and silence is regenerative. God needs your stillness in order to drill your life’s purpose onto your heart, so that its light would always guide you.
- Natural Purification of the Body: Nature gave us food to strengthen, heal, and cure our body, mind, and spirit. Our relationship with food can promote or impede the usefulness of food to our life’s journey. Each day, do you #StopThinkBeforeYouEat. What is your food-eating ritual? Are you aware you can enhance your creativity and thus your will through your relationship with food and your food-eating rituals?
- Healing Dance: Through ritual dance, you heal your body and expand your soul to manifest your dreams. It allows your soul to soar up, twirl around the universe and connect with God, the Higher Power, or the Creative Source.
- Self-Love: Self-love simply means to have respect and affection for your own happiness and well-being. Self-love is necessary because you have to love yourself enough to want to pursue your own happiness and well-being first before focusing on happiness and wellbeing of others.
- Deliberate Actions: Everyday, you must take deliberate actions towards achieving your dreams. You cannot let your life be on autopilot. Rather, you must be in charge of steering it to the path of your true dreams by setting goals and objectives, and following through.
- Gratitude: “Unceasing gratitude is the key that unlocks your spiritual path so that you attract recurrent blessings.” Therefore, you must give thanks for the favors, failures, and future opportunities in your life journey to continue to receive your blessings.
- Giving: Everyday, we must strive to give something of value to another human being. It could be material things or non-material things like kindness, love, compassion, care, or a helping hand. With your palm facing up in giving, you will receive your blessings. With your palm facing down in non-giving, you will bury your blessings.
As you can see, with these seven strategies, I took us back to the basics—fundamental things we, as humans, should do anyway because they are important for the survival of our body, mind, and spirit. Yet, these strategies have added bonuses to us — they enhance our creativity and strengthen our will as we pursue our dreams. These strategies are not written in stone that they must be practiced in any particular order. In my opinion, ideally, they should be practiced as routines embedded in our core. With time, the strategies would become second nature to us that we can incorporate them seamlessly into our lives.
In conclusion, I have shared with you the seven key strategies I used to turn around my life. Today, I pass the baton on to you to do whatever you wish with it. It is my hope that you receive the baton as a gift from me and continue the race. The beauty of free will is that your future is in your hands and the Will of God. However, you must take the first step, so that God has something to bless. Today, what do you choose to do? Something or Nothing?
I would love to hear from you about your success with using the seven key strategies to help you turn around your life.
I wish you strength, always!
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