FABULOUS is your Name
Miriam O. Ezenwa, PhD, RN, FAAN
Greetings, my people! On my mind this week is the word, FABULOUS. Here is what I think about each letter of this word.

Failures of your past are not your enemies. The real enemy is your not recognizing the valuable lessons the failures taught you.
Awesome abilities live within you. When you allow them to shine, then you would have mastered the major keys to success.
Begin to live each day with the purpose and conviction that you have all it takes to succeed at your goals.
Unless you take the first step, you will never reach your destination of achievements.
Love yourself and others on your way to greatness. The good feelings of love are perfect medications that will sustain you— body, mind, and spirit.
Onward, you march with the army of silence, gratitude, giving, and deliberate actions. They are bricks that will hold your dreams in place.
Unlearn habits that don’t serve you well. Strive to learn new habits and skills that are in line with your dreams.
Strength of God within you is renewable and within your reach as long as you fix your eyes on Him.
Today, I declare, “I am FABULOUS!”
What about you?
I wish you strength, always!
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