SPLENDOR is calling. Would you answer?
Miriam O. Ezenwa, PhD, RN, FAAN
Greetings, my people! On my mind this week is the word, SPLENDOR. Here is what each letter of this word means to me.

- Smarter work ethics are necessary to get you closer to achieving your dreams. Be kind to yourself and work smarter not harder.
- Passionate attitude toward your journey to greatness is a renewable energy that fuels the actions required to manifest your dreams.
- Laughter is a free medicine that you need in your life. As you pursue your dreams, do not neglect to add laughter as a critical ingredient to that journey.
- Extend your hand to role models and others who have succeeded in life. Their words of wisdom might help you not to re-invent the wheel but rather to build a bridge to your greatness.
- Nothing under the sun is new. Obstacles and challenges in your journey to achieving your dreams will not be new either. Learn from them, get over them, and move on.
- Devotion and discipline are attributes that will get you through the dark days of doubt and low energy. Devote to achieving your dreams and discipline yourself to attend to the goals and objectives toward achieving them.
- Overthrow your fears by practicing positive self-statements because the darkness of fear is afraid of the light of positivity. Tell yourself: I am real! I am manifesting! I am conquering!
- Rejoice because SPLENDOR is calling you and you are worthy of every blessing coming your way because of your smarter work ethics.
I wish you strength, always!
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