Is your life under reconstruction? You are not alone
Miriam O. Ezenwa, PhD, RN, FAAN
Greetings, my people! Is your life under reconstruction? Do you need to make some positive changes in your life? Are there dreams on your bucket list you need to dust off and pursue, but lack the will to do so? Are you feeling dispirited because of difficulties? Whatever your circumstance, remember that life happens to all of us. Sometimes, we are sidetracked. Sometimes, we become sad. Sometimes, we get discouraged.

Today, I want you to know that you are not alone.
We all face challenges. We all make mistakes. We all fall. The challenges, mistakes, and falls are factors that define a life of personal adventure and individual growth. What’s important is that you learn valuable lessons from your difficulties, seek out a helping hand, and find courage to reconstruct your life.
I am reconstructing my life because I have faced adversities, made mistakes, and fallen several times.
Are you willing to take the challenge and reconstruct your life?
I trust that you have all it takes to do it!
I wish you strength, always!
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