AWESOME gifts are marching towards you
Miriam O. Ezenwa, PhD, RN
Greetings, my people! On my mind this week is the word, AWESOME. Here is my thought about each letter of this word.

- At every turn of your journey to greatness, remember you are not alone. Surround yourself with mentors and accountability partners to watch your back in times of need.
- Whether you are aware of it or not, your thoughts and feelings about yourself are creating your future. Do yourself a favor. Think good thoughts about yourself and feel good about the process of your journey to expand your life.
- Elevate your consciousness to manifest your innermost heart desires associated with your higher purpose by practicing silence. Silence is the language of God that is creative, transformative, and regenerative.
- Several people will try to discourage you from pursuing your dreams. Listen to the strength of that quiet voice deep in your heart and not to people projecting their fears on you.
- Only you can answer to your God about how you used your talents. Will you tell a compelling story about your prowess or blame obstacles for underperforming?
- Manifesting your dreams will take patience, persistent, and time-bound goals and objectives. Be generous to yourself and enjoy the process.
- Energy of the positive kind is a requirement for your journey to greatness. Each day, drink a ton of positive energy by telling yourself how AWESOME you are.
I wish you strength, always!
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