Be CALM! What will be, must be!
Miriam O. Ezenwa, PhD, RN, FAAN
Greetings, my people! On my mind this first day of December is the word, CALM. To me, CALM means:

- Courage is an attribute you cultivate by allowing yourself to pursue your dreams even with the possibility of failing at some of them. Are you courageous?
- Aspire to obtain only those dreams that are destined to be yours, lest you be derailed by envy and jealousy, which push you to chase after shiny objects. Those shiny objects are nothing more than other people’s dreams. Let them be! Focus on your treasured objects, which are your own dreams.
- Love and leverage love all around you to connect with the Creative Source, the bliss that fuels all things created. Do yourself a favor. Blow one kiss of love to the universe. Then, wait and see how much love the universe will return to you.
- Mountains of your achievements are in formation. Help them sprout by unleashing the forces of ask-seek-knock, power of your tongue, and awesome works of your hands.
I pray thee. Be CALM and remember that what will be must be. Do your part and leave the rest to God. Happy Month of December!
I wish you strength, always!
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